$650.00 USD

Artist's Way Course at Kaizen House

Unleash The Power Of Your Creativity… Unblock Your Dreams…

The course starts April 4th until May 9th
Thursdays from 7pm to 8:30 pm at Kaizen House, 1321 Emerson St., Evanston IL


By the end of 6 weeks, you'll have learned to:

👍 overcome creative blocks, self-doubt and fear of failure

👍 cultivate confidence in your creative abilities

👍 establish clear goals and intentions for your life

👍 identify and challenge the limiting beliefs and societal conditioning that may be holding you back 

👍 prioritize self-care practices to support your creative journey

👍 Formed lasting connections with fellow classmates

The course includes:

✔ Six 90-minute in-person group sessions covering The Artist’s Way

✔ A private 1:1 Zoom coaching session with Kathy to help you further unblock your creativity

✔ A private 6-week Facebook group to help support you between our in-person sessions


Don't let your artistic dreams remain dormant. Sign up for "The Artist Way" course today and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and creative expression.

Join us and let your inner artist thrive!